2013 Press Releases
Ireland’s greatest unsung scientist

In 1895 Robert Lloyd Praeger began a pilgrimage across Ireland that was to take up every weekend of the spring and summer months for the next five years.
Secrets of the Irish Landscape is a major new RTÉ television series accompanied by a stunning book from Cork University Press, edited by Matthew Jebb and Colm Crowley. The series and book will follow in the footsteps of one of Ireland’s greatest unsung scientists.
Standing by a small pool near Roundstone bog in the west of Ireland, any first-time European botanist would be both confused and startled by the mixture of plant types. The pools from which grow American Pipewort and Water Lobelia, are fringed by Spanish heathers, while the rocky knolls over which Siberian Juniper straggles are also abode to two Pyrenean plants; St. Dabeoc’s heath and St Patrick’s-cabbage.
In the limestone wilderness of the Burren of northern County Clare, the Dense-flowered Orchid, far from its Mediterranean home, sends up its flowerspikes through carpets of the arctic-alpine Mountain Avens. Ever since this seemingly flora of contradictions was revealed, botanists have argued as to how it came about, and only now do we have the tools that allow us to begin to unravel that history....
On Friday evenings, Robert would make his way from his place of work, the National Library, to Heuston Station (then Kingsbridge) to board the Great Southern and Western Railway or Midland Great Western Railway services, which then connected to nearly 500 rural railway stations across the country. Saturday and Sunday were spent botanising with a purpose – his aim was to chart the distribution of all plants across the country – nothing less than a one-man census of the entire Irish flora.
By Sunday evening he had walked across country, or conducted a 40 mile circuit that brought him to a railway station and a return train to Dublin for work on Monday morning.
Praeger considered a days’ field work as “twelve hours spent covering 20–25 miles.” In total he spent over 200 days walking in excess of 7,000 kilometres, noting thousands of plant records as he went. He abhorred motorcars. Not only did Praeger more than double our knowledge of the distribution of the Irish flora, he also gained an intimate knowledge of the country, which he recounts in his classic book ‘The Way that I Went’ published in 1937. It was during these heroic walks across Ireland when Praeger might have pondered where the flora of Ireland had come from and how it had got here.
For this major new three part television series and Derek Mooney will follow in the footsteps of one of Ireland’s greatest unsung scientists to uncover the true extent of the extraordinary scientific journey started by Praeger. What Praeger began was a process – discovering the true makeup of Ireland’s distinct and unique plant life – that is far from over. It is still subject to much scientific endeavour and hot debate today. The story is ongoing and ever changing with new questions being asked and answered all the time.
For this series Derek Mooney, with the help of Praeger’s 1937 book ‘The Way That I Went’, will go on an epic journey around Ireland and Europe, looking back 20,000 years to unravel the true enigma surrounding Ireland’s unique and stunning eco system.
Transmission dates:
RTÉ ONE – Sunday May 5th 2013 6.30 pm
RTÉ ONE – Sunday May 12th 2013 6.30 pm
RTÉ ONE – Sunday May 19th 2013 6.30 pm
To coincide with the broadcasts, Secrets of the Irish Landscape will be published in hardback by Atrium/Cork University Press on 3 May 2013 (ISBN 978-1-78205-010-0, Hbk, €29, £25, 243 x 280mm, 244pp).