2013 Press Releases
Image awards for UCC Researchers

Dr Kieran McDermott and Dr Janelle Pakan of the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience and the BioSciences Imaging Centre at UCC have won the Anatomical Society Best Image Prize (2013).
The researchers have also received a honourable mention in the Olympus BioScapes International Digital Imaging Competition.
The UK-based Anatomical Society aims to promote, develop and advance research and education in all aspects of anatomical science.
The winning images were obtained using confocal microscopy techniques and reveal cells which play important roles in how the brain and spinal cord develop in the embryo. Such images serve to bridge the gap between science and art and can help to foster public interest in the scientific endeavour generally. Dr McDermott’s laboratory is interested in using advanced microscopy techniques to promote our understanding of the highly complex nature of brain and spinal cord development. Such new knowledge can provide useful clues in the search for novel therapies for nervous system disease and injury.
The imaging facilities of the BioScience Imaging Centre are available to all researchers in UCC and externally at competitive rates. Onsite training is provided and dedicated technical personnel are available to advise on selecting appropriate imaging modalities and experimental design. More information on the BioSciences Imaging Centre is available on the website or from the Director, Dr Kieran McDermott (kmcd@ucc.ie), or the Senior Technical Officer. Ms Suzanne Crotty (s.crotty@ucc.ie).