2013 Press Releases
Get Smart with Tyndall

Nearly 200 delegates across 20 countries visited Tyndall recently for the annual European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration (EPoSS) Forum and the Micro-Nano-Bio Systems (MNBS) Workshop 2013.
The event, which took place in late September, saw the Tyndall National Institute host Smart Systems Integration events to explore the potential to tap a €120 billion market in conjunction with the European Commission and EPoSS.
The joint event has been coordinated to enable the European Commission, industry and research teams working in the smart systems integration (SSI) space to explore R&D and commercial opportunities to work together to tackle critical issues such as energy, health and transport.
Speaking at the event, Sean Sherlock, Minister for Research and Innovation, said: “I am delighted to welcome the EPoSS General Assembly and Annual Forum workshop to Cork and I am particularly pleased that Tyndall have been able to facilitate its co-location with the MNBS workshop. Ireland recognises the important benefits that smart systems can yield in terms of both increased employment opportunities and societal benefits in areas such as health and energy. We continue to work towards playing a key role in the research and development of such systems in arenas like Horizon 2020.”
Dr. Eric Moore, Tyndall National Institute, UCC and Chair of the Organising Committee, said: “Smart Systems Integration has been a key driver of technological advance over the past decade worldwide and is a key contributor to European growth. Tyndall, in turn, has established itself as a key innovation hub for Smart Systems in Ireland and Europe and we are delighted to welcome the European Commission and our research and industry partners to the Institute this week. European industrial leadership and an excellent science base are essential to ensure competitive, cost-effective solutions and to speed up time to market. We hope that the joint event will provide the ideal environment to bring all groups together for the presentation of good practice and the exchange of knowledge which will lead to more smart collaborations in the future.”