2013 Press Releases
Free access to Europe’s marine energy R&D facilities
The Coordinator of MARINET, the HMRC at Beaufort UCC, has announced a third call offering free-of-charge access to Europe’s leading test facilities for marine renewable energy R&D.
This is a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs, engineers and researchers to avail of state-of-the-art interlinked infrastructures and associated expertise, courtesy of funding from the European Commission.
45 marine energy R&D infrastructures are available, covering the wave, tidal and offshore-wind fields. This includes facilities such as wave tanks (some with simultaneous wind capabilities), tidal flumes, wind tunnels, offshore test sites, electrical labs, corrosion labs, moorings labs, wind and wave test site data amongst others. MARINET covers the access costs to these facilities, which typically range from €1,000 to €30,000 per week depending on the complexity of the facility.
Ireland has four infrastructures in the MARINET programme. A specialist wave energy test tank and rotating electrical test rig are located at the National Ocean Test Facility at HMRC in Cork (Beaufort UCC). Two ocean test sites are located at Galway Bay (unique ¼ scale test site) and Belmullet (full-scale test site) and are managed jointly by SEAI, SmartBay Ltd. and the Marine Institute.
The lead applicant and majority of members of the visiting team must be based in EU Member States or States associated with the 7th Framework Programme. Team members based outside the EU can also participate as long as they do not compose the majority of the team. The team must apply for a facility located outside their home country. Results may be published if they prove interesting - however these can be tailored to fully protect intellectual property if desired. Personnel expertise and advice is an integral part of the service provided at each facility, and a contribution towards transport and accommodation costs for visiting teams will also be provided.
In the past year, MARINET has granted c.€1.25m worth of access to facilities in Europe for about 80 companies/groups ranging from small SMEs to large players in the industry.
How to apply
- Go to www.fp7-marinet.eu for further details and to complete the online application form. The call closing date is 27th March 2013 (1400 CET)
- Access (testing) must be between 1 August 2013 and the 31 July 2014
- Successful applications will be announced on the 18 June 2013
- A limited number of further calls will be announced on the website and through social media
For further information, contact:
- Christophe Maisondieu - Access Coordinator (concerning access by teams from public research centres, or general queries on the application process) - access@fp7-marinet.eu or +33 298 224 733
- Jan Erik Hanssen - Industry Liaison (concerning access by teams from industry) - info@1-tech.eu or +32 2 280 1284
- Mark Healy - Project Manager (concerning broader queries on the MARINET initiative) - info@fp7-marinet.eu or +353 21 425 0021