Public invited to special recording of Derek Mooney show in UCC

A new collaboration between Mooney Goes Wild and University College Cork (UCC) will see a special recording of the popular radio show on the UCC campus, and the public are invited.
Mooney Talks, a series of short lectures by experts on particular areas of natural history will be recorded before a live audience in UCC on Friday 3 May and broadcast in their entirety on RTÉ Radio One later this year.
The historic and cultural links between Irish people and trees, Ireland’s wild falcons, the plastics destroying our oceans and how our ecosystems are changing due to climate change will be among the nine 15-minute presentations by leading UCC academics and Mooney Goes Wild team members including Éanna Ni Lámhna and Niall Hatch from Birdwatch Ireland.
The first Mooney Talks recording session gets underway in the Hub in University College Cork on 3rd May 2024 starting at 14:00 sharp. There will be break at 3.15 and the recordings will finish at 4.30pm. Places are limited but members of the public can book here.
“It is wonderful to team up with Derek to showcase some of the stunning environmental research we do here in UCC” states Professor John O’Halloran, President of UCC.
“UCC has such a wonderful community of researchers working on our natural world and I hope the public comes to join us for what promises to be a special afternoon” states Derek Mooney.