Research Events
Strangers wandering: Book as terrain / Translation as map
A new translation of Juan Rulfo’s El Llano en llamas
The research cluster ‘Translation and Creative Practice’ at the Centre for Advanced Studies in Languages and Cultures (CASiLaC) in the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, in collaboration with the Departments of French and SPLAS, warmly invite you to a seminar with translator Stephen Beechinor on his English translation of El Llano en llamas, by acclaimed Mexican writer Juan Rulfo. Joined by Professor Nuala Finnegan, Stephen Beechinor will discuss the importance of this book in the Spanish-speaking canon. He will also address other aspects related to his experience as a literary translator, including the following: preparing the ground; editorial process and drafting; working with an independent publisher, contract & rights; establishing an approach on method and style. Finally, Stephen will offer a reading of his translation together with Elizabeth Rosales.
Strangers wandering: Book as terrain / Translation as map
A new translation of Juan Rulfo’s El Llano en llamas
You wil find further information on the following link: