News and Events
Nature Conservation in the Anthropocene

On Tuesday, 18 December 2018, the Centre for Law & the Environment will host a seminar on the theme “Nature Conservation in the Anthropocene”. The seminar will run from 4.15-6pm in G.27 O’Rahilly Building, UCC. All are welcome.
The Sixth Extinction is well underway as a result of habitat loss and degradation driven by outsized human demands on natural systems. The twin dangers of global warming and ocean acidification threaten a massive pauperization of the world's biodiversity.
Existing laws and policies are not adequate to deal with these global crises. Law needs to adapt and evolve, and quickly. But how?
Professor Patrick Parenteau, Visiting Fulbright Scholar at the School of Law, UCC, will offer some ideas and welcome a robust discussion. Áine Ryall, Co-Director, Centre for Law & the Environment, will chair the seminar.
We look forward to an interesting exchange of views at an event that we hope will bring together a variety of disciplinary perspectives.
For anyone who would like to consider some relevant material in advance of the seminar, the following links may be of interest:
Elizabeth Kolbert (author of acclaimed book The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History, Henry Holt & Co, 2014):
Fred Pearce:
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