Award for Department Research Fellow, Dr Kathleen McLoughlin

There was lots of interest in the Department of General Practice Fitness to Drive and Mild Cognitive Impairment Research Project at the Annual Scientific Meeting of INMED (Irish Network of Medical Educators) which ran from February 27th to March 1st 2017 in Dublin. The project is funded by the Road Safety Authority (RSA) and was showcased by Dr Kathleen McLoughlin, Research Fellow. The project presentation won first prize in the itEACH symposium.
The conference theme was 'Collective Competence for Healthcare Practitioners: Preparing for Real World Practice - Getting ahead by getting along', and the presentation award was sponsored by the Medical Protection Society (MPS). Dr Kathleen McLoughlin from the Department of General Practice at UCC represented the research team, which is led by Professor Colin Bradley and Dr Carol Sinnott (Department of General Practice, UCC), and with Linda Horgan (Department of Occupational Therapy, UCC), Dr Claire Collins (ICGP) and Dr Emer Begley (ASI/HSE). The Fitness to Drive project is funded by the Road Safety Authority (RSA), in association with the National Programme Office for Traffic Medicine (NPOTM).