SDG Indicator 6.3.2 Global Data Drive 2020 has begun

The second global data drive for SDG Indicator 6.3.2 has started.
As part of Integrated Monitoring Initiative for Goal 6, countries are being asked to report on the quality of water in their rivers, lakes and aquifers. Reporting on this indicator helps to build a global picture of water quality status and how it is changing over time. It also provides a framework for countries to emphasise water quality issues that may be regionally, nationally or locally relevant, and to highlight national capacity deficits where monitoring and assessment of freshwater needs strengthening.
The GEMS/Water Capacity Development Centre has been central to the implementation of the indicator since its foundation and development in 2016. In response to feedback following the first data drive of 2017, the CDC has created a series of support materials to help countries to report. These materials also help to ensure that the indicator reported by countries is comparable between different countries, and also that it is of maximum benefit nationally and helps to provide the best possible information to implement water management strategies with the resources available.
The support materials of the SDG Indicator 6.3.2 Platform can be found at this link. Included on the platform is a short introductory document, guidance on how to report, a series of technical documents that focus on specific technical aspects of the methodology, and a growing list of case studies. The platform content is added to regularly, and we are striving to translate all of the support materials into the official UN languages (French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese) which will be available in the near future.