News & Announcements
Looking Back, Looking Forward Conference: Celebrating 25 Years of the B.A. (Hons) in Early Years and Childhood Studies Programme.
The conference will showcase the integrated and holistic nature of the EYCS degree and research in early childhood at UCC which positively contributes to early learning, well-being and development in the present and into the future.
There will be 3 keynote speakers - Dr Ioanna Palaiologou of the University of Bristol will focus on pedagogies for participation of prelinguistic children; Associate Professor Geraldine French of DCU will focus on literature review for Aistear and Dr Máire Mhic Mháthuma will focus on beginning, being and becoming: developments in early years education and care over the last 25 years and beyond.
Panel sessions include: Creative, participatory and inclusive practice in early years; early intervention in diverse contexts; exploring early childcare educators’ perspectives on supporting music for children in early years setting; young Knocknaheeny; P4Play; early years practice in Lesotho; early years participation literature review; migrant children; young children’s wellbeing; early years practice; wellbeing; early years sector overview; neuroscience in early years; transitions; resilience in early childhood; Froebel research.
This conference is aimed at early years providers, academics/researchers, graduates and current students of the B.A.(EYCS) at UCC.
To register for the Conference, please click here
Full Conference schedule