News & Announcements
EDFEST 22: Assessment in Second Level Education: Challenges and Opportunities
EDFEST 22 took place in the School of Education on the 11th of May 2022. EDFEST is a Community Engagement Seminar organised by the School of Education for schools and the wider education community. The theme of EDFEST 22 was Assessment in Second-Level Education: Challenges and Opportunities.
The event included a keynote address from Professor Áine Hyland on current assessment issues in post-primary schools, alongside inputs on research and practice from the School of Education’s staff and PhD students working in the area of assessment.
The programme included:
- Keynote Address: Professor Áine Hyland: Assessment is the tail that wags the curriculum dog - an overview of Leaving Certificate reform in Ireland!
- Dr Joe Moynihan and Dr Margaret O Donovan: Collaborative Practice: A Pathway to more Effective Learning and Assessment.
- Dr Niamh Dennehy: Collaboration and Accountability: Developing Peer and Self-Assessment Practices in Post-Primary education.
- Kevin O Donovan: Teacher Learning and the Framework for Junior Cycle
- Lorraine Chadwick: Students' Assessment Experiences in Junior Cycle
This event marked a further opportunity to share and celebrate current perspectives on assessment with our partner and placement schools as a significant aspect of our Community Engagement initiatives. The programme was followed by a reception for all those attending but particularly for the principal and other school staff members who support our students in their placements