MicroStrategy Training

The UCC Datawarehouse is an application that was developed by IT Services in conjunction with the Registrars Office (System Administration), and an external company - Client Solutions.
The aim of the application is to
- provide consistent and timely student related information to UCC staff
- provide the basic data used for the University student KPIs
- present this data in a user friendly and customisable fashion
- enable the user to drill into the student data and analyse summary statistics.
Data from the Student Registration System (ITS) is copied to the Datawarehouse on a nightly basis. This data is then transformed and stored in a format that simplifies the generation and publication of data reports to UCC staff.
This service will provide a comprehensive suite of student headcount and student fulltime equivalent (FTE) reports. A user will be able to run trend reports with the ability to drill and analyse headcount and FTE numbers by College, Academic Year, Full-time/Part-time, and Undergraduate/Postgraduate. The user will have the ability to drill down to headcount and FTE numbers by Programme and module as appropriate.
In addition there are reports to present specific data that may be of interest to users, for example Economic Fee student analysis, or Postgraduate Research analysis.
It is planned to extend this service in the next calendar year to include data from Finance and Human Resources.
Click on the links below to access a comprehensive set of training materials: