
Neo-Latin Seminar
The Neo-Latin Seminar meets on Wednesday evenings during term time to translate and build up commentary upon Irish Latin texts of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. For details of the seminar group click here.
The seminar group working on the Brigida Thaumaturga (2010).
In previous years the seminar has focused on:
Richard Stanihurst's De rebus in Hibernia gestis (Antwerp, 1584), 1999-2002
Philip O'Sullivan Beare's Tenebriomastix (MS, c. 1625), 2002-3
Stephen White's Apologia pro Innocentibus Ibernis (MS, late 1630s), 2003-4.
Dermot O'Meara's Ormonius (London, 1615), 2004-6
John Lynch's Alithinologia (St Malo, 1664), 2006-8
Miscellaneous Irish Latin verse, 2008-9
David Rothe's Brigida Thaumaturga (Paris, 1620), 2009-11
Robert O'Connell's Historia Missionis Hibernicae Capucinorum (MS, c.1656), 2011-12
Selected Irish Latin orations (seventeenth century), 2012-13
Dermot O'Meara's Pathologia Haereditaria Generalis (Dublin, 1619), 2013-14
Peter Lombard, De Hibernia Insula Commentarius Stromaticus (MS, 1600), 2014-15