Analytical Services

Analytical Services
ASU has a well-equipped laboratory analysing a broad range of parameters in water, effluent and sediment.
The unit operates under a system of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and has been an active participant in an international laboratory proficiency scheme (Aquacheck) since 1995. Both these schemes ensure a high degree of confidence and traceability in the analytical results produced by the ASU laboratory.
If required, samples for specialist analysis are sub-contracted to approved laboratories with which we have a close working relationship.
Our staff regularly collect samples for analysis on behalf of clients so they can be assured that every care is taken to maintain the samples' stability and integrity from the outset.
We routinely undertake a wide range of tests for various types of sample.
Water Analysis
- General Water Quality (DO, BOD, COD, Suspended Solids, Chlorophyll-a, Conductivity, Salinity, pH, Colour, Alkalinity, Total Hardness, Free and Residual Chlorine, TOC)
- Nutrients (Ammonia, Soluble Reactive Phosphate, Total Dissolved Phosphorus, Total Phosphorus, Nitrite, Total Oxidised Nitrogen, Total Nitrogen, Silicate)
- Anions (Fluoride, Chloride, Bromide, Sulphate) and Cations (Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium)
- Dissolved/Total Metals (Aluminium, Arsenic, Copper, Chromium, Cadmium, Iron, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, Nickel, Zinc)
Sediment/Soil Analysis
- Metals (Iron, Zinc, Aluminium, Manganese, Lead, Copper, Chromium, Cadmium, Nickel, Arsenic, Mercury)
- N & P (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Ammonia, Total Oxidised Nitrogen, Phosphorus Analysis including Total Phosphorus and Iron-Oxide Strip Phosphorus)
Biological and Pharmaceutical Samples
- Metals (Iron, Zinc, Aluminium, Manganese, Lead, Copper, Chromium, Cadmium, Nickel, Palladium).
- N & P (Total Phosphorus and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen)