News + Events
24Hr Design Charrette hosted by UCC Architecture Society
UCC Architecture are hosting a 24Hr Design Charrette for all years in Cork Centre for Architectural Education.
On Wednesday 9th November, from 9am - 9am, UCC Architecture Society have organised a 24 Hour Charrette, an overnight design event inviting architecture students to propose an alternate life for a derelict building within the city centre, as an active form of protest against urban decay in Cork. This will include a special Guest Lecture event open to all at 8pm with Greg Keeffe, an expert in Urban Design and Development with a focus on sustainability and resilience.
This protest involves each student producing an A3 portrait proposal for the renovation and reimagination of a site currently derelict within the city centre. Currently, over 700 sites have been recorded as derelict within 2km of Cork city centre by Anois in their 'this is derelict Ireland' report.
See Ellie O'Byrne's article on Tripe + Drisheen here and student Róisín Hayes write-up on UCC's student magazine Motley here