Code of Practice
Under Section 47 (Code of practice complaints handling) Section 48 (Complaints process) and Section 49 (Right of reply) of the Broadcasting Act 2009, any viewer or listener may refer a complaint to the BAI if they are unhappy about programme content on an Irish licensed broadcasting service, both radio and television under the following categories:
48(1)(a) objectivity & impartiality in news;
48(1)(a) fairness, objectivity & impartiality in current affairs;
48(1)(b) harm & offence (Code of Programme Standards);
48(1)(b) law & order;
48(1)(c) privacy of an individual.
Code of Practice for Complaints Handling:
Your complaint must be made no later than 30 days after the date of the broadcast. Please note that if your complaint relates to two or more related broadcasts, it must be sent within 30 days of the later or latest of these broadcasts.
When submitting a complaint under b) harm & offence, complainants can refer to the BAI's "The Code of Programme Standards". This Code details a range of factors that may be taken into account when determining whether programme material is harmful or offensive.
A copy of the Code is available to download as a PDF on the BAI's website BAI's website or on request from their offices.
If you wish to make a complaint about something you've heard on the station that falls into the above categories you may do so. For more information on the procedure please read our complaints procedure document. You may download a programming content complaints form (or as PDF) or our advertisement complaints form (or as PDF).
Right of Reply
The Right of Reply Scheme has been developed by the BAI to provide for the correction of incorrect facts or information that has been broadcast about a person, where the assertions of such incorrect facts or information have impugned that person's honour or reputation.
A Right of Reply is about the correction of incorrect facts or information; it does not provide for the broadcast of an alternative or contrary opinion. In other words, a person may not be satisfied with the manner in which a broadcaster has relayed information about him/her, but a Right of Reply will not be granted unless the facts or information are factually incorrect such that their honour or reputation have been impugned.
If the matter is one where the facts were correct, but not fairly presented, and was contained in a news or current affairs programme, you can make a complaint under fairness, objectivity and impartiality, as mentioned above.
A copy of the Right of Reply Scheme is available to download from the BAI's website here BAI's website here
Other Feedback
If your feedback (positive or negative) falls outside the above areas you can phone us at 021 490 2170 or email radio@ucc.ie