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7 Nov 2013

Hispanic Studies Films: Portuguese Series

Location: Kane B10A
Time: 6:00pm

Miguel Gomes, 2012 (118min)
Language: Portuguese with English subtitles


Highly acclaimed by critics internationally and warmly welcomed by the audience at last year´s Cork Film Festival,  Tabu  is a love story told in two parts, moving between contemporary Portugal, and colonial Africa...

"A gem. A film of such artistry and daring that you´ll be left dazzled by the possibilities of the medium... A film that recharges your love of cinema" . (Alice Tynan, ABC LIMELIGHT MAGAZINE)  
"A rare pleasure... A delirious celebration of cinematic imagination. " (Jonathan Romney, THE INDEPENDENT) 

Admission is free

Portuguese in UCC


ORB 1.46, First Floor Block B East, O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork
