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Staff List

Please click on one of the names below for more details.


Name Extension Location Email
Jodi Cronin 2572 5 Bloomfield Terrace
P. J. Hunt 2659 5 Bloomfield Terrace                
Martin Kenneally - Retired - Research Active                              
Richard Moloney - Retired - Research Active
Stephen Moore 2659 5 Bloomfield Terrace
William Sjostrom - Director 2091 5 Bloomfield Terrace
Noel Woods  2578 6 Bloomfield Terrace



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Dr. Monirul Islam - Post Doctoral Researcher 2636 6 Bloomfield Terrace



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Mona Mullane McLauchlan - Administrator


3566 5 Bloomfield Terrace


Please, precede the extension by 490 when calling from outside UCC.



Visiting Academics


Keith Jakee is an Associate Professor of Economics at Florida Atlantic University’s Honors College in Jupiter, Florida.  Previously, he held positions at Monash University and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and visiting positions at Uppsala University in Sweden, University College Cork in Ireland and the Singapore Institute of Management.  He was the founding director of two different academic programs.  His research interests lie primarily in modern political economy, the economics of entrepreneurship, and applied industrial organization. Examples of his work in political economy include: “Is Compulsory Voting More Democratic?” (with Guang-Zhen Sun) in Public Choice; “External Habit Formation and Dependency in the Welfare State” (with Guang-Zhen Sun) in European Journal of Political Economy; and “The Welfare State as a Fiscal Commons: Problems of Incentives versus Problems of Cognition” (with Stephen Turner) in Public Finance Review.  His work in entrepreneurship includes: “The Normative Bias in Entrepreneurial Theory” (with Heath Spong) in Division of Labour & Transaction Costs and “Uncertainty, Institutional Structure and the Entrepreneurial Process” (with Heath Spong) in Metcalfe and Cantner (eds.) Change, Transformation and Development. An example of his work in industrial organization includes “Asymmetries in Scheduling Slots Can Drive Asymmetries in Game-Day Revenues: An Example from the Australian Football League” (with Martin Kenneally and Hamish Mitchell) in Sport Management Review.  He has also won two university-wide awards for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Excellence and Innovation in Advising.

Centre for Policy Studies

Ionad Staidéar Beartas

University College Cork, 5 & 6 Bloomfield Terrace, Western Road, Cork
