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UCC CPD courses

Maternity Critical Care NU6167

Course Fact File
Duration40hr(s) Other (Modified Lectures, Group Discussion, Tutorials, Workshops, Self-directed Learning.); 160hr(s) Placements (Coursework).
Teaching ModePart-Time. See Additional Teaching Mode Information for more info.
Fees€900 See Fees and Costs for full details.
Closing Date31/07/2024

Cork University Maternity Hospital

Start Date29/08/2024


This is a module for midwives providing care to women with complex or high risk pregnancies, it is designed to advance midwives’ knowledge and skills in maternity critical care or to practice within a Maternity Critical Care setting.   Undertaking this module will prepares midwives to critically explore the management of the critically ill childbearing woman in order to develop and expand their role within maternity or critical care environment.

Core areas addressed are:

Introduction to maternity critical care; pregnancy complications requiring critical care: Respiratory, Cardiovascular, Renal, Neurological.  Assessment and management of fluids and electrolytes; co-morbidities, associated pharmacology; principles of monitoring;; use of the biomedical technology.

Module Objective: To develop knowledge and skills and competencies related to the maternity critical care.

Module Content: Introduction to maternity critical care: Respiratory system, Cardiovascular system, Renal system, Neurological system, Assessment and management of fluids and electrolytes; conditions associated with respiratory system; the cardiovascular system; the renal system; the neurological system; co-morbidities, associated pharmacology and; principles of haemodynamic monitoring; sepsis; bleeding and clotting disorders; use of the biomedical technology,.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:

  • Exhibit an ability to critically reflect on the application of maternity critical care skills
  • Critically evaluate evidence based practice in context to maternity critical care practice
  • Demonstrate knowledge of relevant anatomy and physiology pertaining to the respiratory, cardiovascular, renal, system in pregnant and postpartum women.
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify and respond appropriately to deterioration in a critically ill pregnant or postpartum woman.
  • Demonstrate competence in assessing, planning implementing and evaluating care for critically ill pregnant or postpartum woman.
  • Discuss various treatment modalities for critically ill maternity women.

Topics included are as follows:

Principles of maternity critical care, pathways of care, impact of co-morbidities, recognition of deterioration of maternity patient, escalating and deescalating care, assessment, monitoring and management of childbearing women who are critically unwell.  Physiological adaptations of pregnancy and how they impact on critical illness. Clinically evaluation and management of both pregnancy-specific and other conditions associated with pregnancy requiring critical care admission.


Additional Teaching Mode Information

Orientation 29 Aug 2024

  • Wednedsay 11th September 2024;
  • Wednesday 25th  September 2024;
  • Wednesday 9th October 2024;
  • Wednesday 23rd  October 2024;
  • Wednesday 13th  November 2025 +one flexible field visit. 

Dates are subject to slight changes.


The module will be delivered in Cork University Maternity Hospital under the direction of experts in maternity critical care.  Assessment consists of a Presentation, Case study and the completion of a Clinical Competency Workbook.

Applicants will be required to complete the Clinical Competency Workbook in their own work environment.  Evidence of support for this learning must be available at the time of application. 


Module Name Module Code Requirement 1 Requirement 2 Requirement 3

Maternity Critical Care

NU6167 Applicants must be practising nurses with evidence of current registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) Applicants for Nursing and Midwifery CPD modules whose main language is not English and who do not hold an up-to-date IELTS certificate showing the requisite Academic Board approved CM&H scores must demonstrate evidence of appropriate work experience within an English language environment for at least the previous 2 years. If you are applying with Qualifications obtained outside Ireland and you wish to verify if you meet the minimum academic and English language requirements for this programme please view the grades comparison table by country and for details of recognised English language tests.


Fees and Costs

The fee for this module is €900 which includes the €35.00 application fee.

How To Apply

To apply for this module click the Apply Now button.  Once you have created your profile you can start your application by selecting the option below:

  • Gather any additional documents required (including a passport-style photo), copy of your degree parchment if not a previous UCC graduate.
  • The full module fee of €900 will be payable on submission of your application.

Apply Now

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