2016 Press Releases
UCC to host Parent Information Evening
UCC is set to host a Parent Information Evening next Monday evening (January 18) from 6 to 8pm.
The event will take place in the Aula Maxima, Main Campus, UCC. Click here for a Google Map to help you find the Aula Maxima.
Students, parents and teachers are all welcome to attend the Information Evening. A brief welcome introduction will be followed by talks on degree programmes. Parents will also have the opportunity to visit Information Stands and meet representatives from all Colleges.
A full schedule of the evening is available online at http://www.ucc.ie/en/study/undergrad/ucc-parent-information-evening/
Please contact Sandra O’Herlihy on Tel: 021 4902964 or email s.oherlihy@ucc.ie for further information.