2013 Press Releases
UCC’s Alphaville makes The New York Times

In a piece by Larry Rohter on Michael Haneke’s Palme d’or winning film Amour - now Oscar-nominated - Jeremiah Ambrose’s review of a book on the director (by Oliver Speck), featured in issue 2 of Alphaville, was linked.
“The citation is a testimony to the quality of the scholarship we publish” say Journal directors Laura Rascaroli and Gwenda Young, lecturers in Film Studies at UCC.
Launched in 2011, Alphaville is edited by staff, graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in Film Studies at UCC. The journal has quickly developed a reputation as a forum for cutting edge research in film and media and the quality of its articles, reviews and reports has attracted international recognition. Issue 4 of the journal is now online at http://www.alphavillejournal.com
Alphaville is one of the many initiatives in research and teaching by Film Studies at UCC and stems from the thriving research cultural fostered by its MA in Film Studies and its lively PhD profile.
Its latest initiative is the new BA in Film and Screen Media - the first of its kind Ireland -which offers students a thorough education in the history, values, aesthetics and ideology of the moving image. The BA offers students a combination of film studies and screen media (internet, mobile social media, computer games), as well as practical modules and workshops in digital filmmaking and writing for the screen.
The BA in Film and Screen Media will commence in September 2013.
Follow Larry Rohter’s article on the NYT: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/04/movies/michael-haneke-directs-amour-with-jean-louis-trintignant.html?ref=movies&_r=0
See Jeremiah Ambrose’s review on Alphaville: http://www.alphavillejournal.com/Issue%202/HTML/ReviewAmbrose.html