2013 Press Releases
UCC prepares social workers for future

Munster’s social workers are attending a seminar series hosted by Dr Mary Wilson from the School of Applied Social Studies in preparation for professional social work registration.
Topics at the seminars include the registration process; professional supervision; ethical dilemmas in practice and a practitioners’ colloquium. Presenters include representatives from CORU, the regulatory authority for health and social care professionals and the IASW, the professional social work representative association. Applied Social Studies presenters include Dr Carmel Halton, Ms Caroline Shore, Ms Deirdre Quirke and Dr Mary Wilson.
A core element in the series is the opportunity for social workers to engage in and debate the implications of the professional registration process. Social Work is the first of thirteen social professions to commence registration with CORU which is Ireland’s first multi professional health regulator.
The series is generating considerable interest and debate among the professionals who are attending. This initiative places Applied Social Studies at the forefront of programmes aimed at continuing professional development in the social professions.