2013 Press Releases
UCC moustache you a question

A noble effort to raise awareness around men’s health that would put the fabled moustache of Ron Burgundy to shame has earned some UCC students and staff double-glances around campus this Movember.
Luckily the Baldy Barber, also known as Blackpool’s Mick Moriarty, was on hand to shave the day.
The mUCCstachios, made up of JP Quinn, Head of the Visitors’ Centre, Padraig Haughney, UCC Students’ Union (SU) President, Eoin Kirby, UCC SU Commercial and Communications Officer, Pat Cotter, General Services and Dr Ian Pickup, Head of the Student Experience, decided to change the face of men’s health by accepting the Movember challenge of growing a moustache in 30 days.
Many other members of staff and the student body across took part, including Aonghus Sugrue, a PhD candidate in the Business Information Systems Department, James Murray, Entertainments Officer, UCC SU, Dr. Ian O Connor, Dr. Atul Thorat and Dr. Matthias Jauch from the Department of Chemistry, and Gerard Mannix, School of Applied Social Studies, amongst others. Mick Moriarty, who has voluntarily given his time to charitable efforts across Munster for the last 35 years, and whose daughter graduated from Early Childhood Studies in UCC, certainly has his work cut out for him.
Sprouting their best effort to date (pictured), the group seeks some final support as the month draws to a close in raising awareness and funds to fight prostate and testicular cancer, and further men’s mental health. If you feel like helping the mUCCstachios, you can donate by dropping into the UCC Visitors’ Centre or emailing visitorscentre@ucc.ie for further information.
Tom Selleck eat your heart out.