2013 Press Releases
UCC appoints Research Professors

Research Professors are acknowledged leaders in their research disciplines, performing to the highest level internationally in research output, and competing successfully for highly prestigious awards.
The appointees are as follows: Professor Paul Ross of Teagasc as a Research Professor within the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre; and Professor Cian Ó Mathúna along with Professor Paul Townsend, both researchers in the Tyndall National Institute, as Research Professors in Electrical Engineering and Physics respectively.
Paul Ross’s appointment as a Research Professor acknowledges his research achievements in gut microbiota, antimicrobial peptides, bacteriocins, probiotics, and anti-infectives. Professor Cian Ó Mathúna’s appointment recognises his research accomplishments and international leadership in the development of micromagnetics on silicon for power supply on chip for which he was recently elevated to a Fellow of the IEEE, while Professor Paul Townsend is honoured for key advances in fiber-optic communication and quantum information systems.
Welcoming the appointments, UCC President Dr Michael Murphy comments: “It is important that the University recognises leading researchers who make seminal contributions to global knowledge, and who, through their work, ensure that UCC advances Ireland’s innovation priorities. Each of the Research Professors being appointed has demonstrated leadership and achieved excellence in his field to the highest international standard. Their success enhances the Irish research landscape while encouraging early career researchers and postgraduate students to strive for international excellence and recognition.”
Development of a framework for researcher careers has been underway within UCC over the past year reflecting the different stages within a research career and the strategic importance of enabling researchers to develop their careers in a structured manner. In this context, recognition of internationally renowned researchers by appointment to the position of Research Professor reflecting achievement at the highest level is strategically important.
“The international standing of a university is very strongly influenced by its research profile and performance and, in particular, by the pinnacles of research excellence which are leading developments at a global level within a research area or discipline,” remarks Professor Anita Maguire, Vice President for Research and Innovation at UCC.
Professor Gerry Boyle, Director of Teagasc, in welcoming the appointment of Paul Ross as a Research Professor in the APC says: “This appointment reflects the on-going productive collaboration through the UCC-Teagasc Strategic Alliance in Food Research launched in 2010.”
Dr Alastair Glass, Chairman of the Board of the Tyndall National Institute, comments: “The appointment of Tyndall researchers as Research Professors in UCC is an important milestone in Tyndall’s development and leverages the synergy of world-class innovation and academic excellence to deliver effectively national strategic objectives ineducation, innovation and job creation."
Professor Fergus Shanahan, Director of the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre comments: “Paul Ross is a superb scientist and a wonderful person; the appointment emphasises what has been a seamless and highly productive collaboration between the APC and Teagasc for more than a decade.”
Professor Nabeel Riza, Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, comments: “Professor Cian Ó Mathúna brings to the Department an internationally recognized research expertise in power supply design using micromagnetics on silicon, providing new opportunities for both staff and students to further enhance the university mission of excellence in research, teaching, learning, and innovation.”
Professor John McInerney, Head of the Department of Physics and also with the Tyndall National Institute adds: “We are immensely proud of Professor Townsend and the other members of our Photonics Systems Group who have made seminal contributions to photonic communications, and contributed greatly to our advanced teaching. Their PhD graduates are now influencing progress in science and engineering in Ireland and all over Europe.”