2013 Press Releases
Students visit China with UCC

90 Transition Year (TY) students - and one parent - will have a slightly different tale to tell their peers this Easter.
A visit organised by UCC and Shanghai University will see the largest ever delegation of TY students from 32 schools across Ireland spend two-weeks immersed in Chinese culture. One parent was so impressed with the schedule on offer they decided to pay their own way and travel with the group from Cork Airport on Tuesday April 2nd.
The demand for places on the Easter Camp programme to Shanghai, which runs from April 2nd-16th, was extraordinary according to Professor Fan Hong, Director of School of Asian Studies, the Irish Institute of Chinese Studies and the Confucius Institute at UCC:
“Beyond the enthusiasm demonstrated by the students themselves, many of their parents were incredibly eager to give their sons and daughters an opportunity they never had – to experience Chinese culture and society first hand. A series of visits to some of the 20+ schools across Shanghai will not only allow the students to actively practice their Chinese, it will also nurture lifelong friendships and mutual understanding between Ireland and China”.
The Irish Consulate in Shanghai will also welcome the students and host a session to discuss relations between Ireland and China. The trip is jointly organised by the UCC Confucius Institute, the Irish Institute of Chinese Studies at UCC and Shangahi University, and sponsored by the Headquarters of the Confucius Institute (Hanban) in Beijing.
Between two and five students are travelling from each selected school, drawn from those studying the Chinese Culture and Language module as part of TY and nominated by their respective schools. The students will be accompanied by Professor Fan Hong, Professor Mary Ruane, Mr Yongbin Xia and tutors from the UCC Confucius Institute, teachers from some Irish schools, as well as teachers from Shanghai University once the students touch down in Shanghai.
As well as attending language classes, the students will experience many cultural outings, including practical martial arts, paper cuttings, and calligraphy. They will also have time to explore the immense city of Shanghai, one of China’s most populous metropolises, and the neighbouring cities of Suzhou and Hangzhou. Students will also compile a pre- and post-trip journal, reflecting upon this rare opportunity.
The story has also proved popular in the media - read all about it on: