2013 Press Releases
Memories make the cut

A film directed by UCC filmmaker Stephen Bean has been named as an official selection at the upcoming Cork Film Festival.
The film short, entitled ‘Mnemosyne Lay In Dust—Memories Of Austin Clarke’, will be screened on 14 November at 17.45 as part of Cork Shorts 2: From a whisper to a scream.
Under the watchful eye of director Stephen Bean, Film Unit, Audio Visual Media Services UCC and producer Mary Breen, the film presents its own unique take on one of poet Austin Clarke’s most gripping offerings. An intensely personal poem, it revolves around Clarke’s experience of insanity and the months he spent in a mental hospital in Dublin as a young man.
Clarke adopts a transparent disguise in the person of Maurice Devane to recount his journey through the streets of Dublin on St Patrick's Day, his incarceration in St Patrick's hospital and the harrowing progress of his illness. The poem ends with his release from hospital, "re-memorised", and his journey back through the same streets.
The video is also available to view below:
For further details and bookings, see http://www.corkfilmfest.org/2013/festival-events/cork-shorts-programme-2-prog-2-whisper-scream/