2013 Press Releases
Human free will: A misconception?

Professor Santiago Sia (Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Milltown Institute, Dublin (retired)) will present ‘Human free will: A misconception?' this Wednesday 13 March as part of the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science Public Lecture Series.
These engaging and multimedia-led lectures are organised annually by Professor William J. Reville, Department of Biochemistry, UCC. They once again offer up a diverse range of topics covering various aspects of science and technology, in a manner accessible free of charge to the general public. The series began on Wednesday 16 January, and continues on in Boole 4 Lecture Theatre from 8pm each Wednesday night until 27 March.
From antibiotics and aging to obesity and oxygen, the schedule is as follows:
- 16 January: Cereal foods and beverages for the future, Professor Elke K. Arendt (School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, UCC)
- 23 January: No more needles, Dr Conor O’Mahony (Tyndall National Institute, UCC).
- 30 January: Healthier aging: The role of diet and gut bacteria, Professor Paul O’Toole (Department of Microbiology, UCC)
- 6 February: Recent developments in telecommunications in Ireland, Dr Kevin McCarthy (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, UCC)
- 13 February: How research on the Ras Protein Superfamily helps our understanding of health and disease, Professor Mary McCaffrey (Department of Biochemistry, UCC)
- 20 February: Obesity: Facts and fancy, Professor Mike Gibney (Institute of Food and Health, University College Dublin)
- 27 February: Keeping the lights on: Delivering a reliable electricity supply with renewables, Dr Paul Leahy (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UCC)
- 6 March: Modern antibiotic use: With great power comes great responsibility, Dr Cormac Gahan (Department of Microbiology and School of Pharmacy, UCC)
- 13 March: Human free will: A misconception?, Professor Santiago Sia (Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Milltown Institute, Dublin (retired))
- 20 March: Grand Final UCC ‘Science for All’ (finalists from the annual postgraduate student public presentation competition)
- 27 March: Living with oxygen: Biology at the edge of toxicity, Professor David Sheehan (Department of Biochemistry, UCC)
Commenting ahead of the 2013 series launch, Professor William J. Reville says: “Most of the lectures will be delivered by UCC academic staff, illustrating the range of cutting-edge research underway in UCC. Topics covered include new useful foods, the facts and myths of obesity, antibiotic use and misuse, and a discussion about whether or not humans really have free will. In the meantime, assume that you do have free will and use it to attend some or all of these lectures.”
The lectures, which are open to all and free to attend, will be recorded and placed on the UCC YouTube channel. Videos from the previous series are available from: http://tinyurl.com/cwl59nf
The full background of each speaker and lecture topic can be downloaded from: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zgis4hvgdoihaik/121218_SEFS_public_lecture_series_2013_web%281%29.pdf