2013 Press Releases
HRB invests in UCC health research

Are current increases in suicide rates linked to the recession?
This question, and many more, will be examined through a €12.3 million investment by the Health Research Board (HRB) in Irish research programmes.
Professor Ella Arensman of the National Suicide Research Foundation in collaboration with the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health and the Department of General Practice, University College Cork, will examine psychosocial, psychiatric and work-related risk factors associated with suicide in Ireland. The aims of the study are to improve the knowledge base on specific risk factors associated with suicide in Ireland and to gain insight into specific protective factors that prevent people from engaging in suicide. The information to be obtained by the study will enhance early identification of people who are at risk of suicide and contribute to the development of suicide prevention and intervention programmes in healthcare, community and work settings. The study is innovative due to its multidisciplinary approach and integrating the angle from the occupational health area. Two interlinked case-control studies will be conducted, one study comparing suicide cases with patients who have engaged in a highly lethal act of non-fatal self-harm and one study comparing suicide cases with General Practice patient controls.
A total of 40 projects were selected from 209 applications. These were assessed by international peer review panels who believed the nature, scope and relevance of the proposals demonstrated great ambition and innovation that would lead to results that are relevant both nationally and internationally.
Each project will receive up to €330,000 over the next three years.
'This funding will address a wide range of subjects, including mental health, cancer, diabetes and arthritis, says Enda Connolly, Chief Executive at the HRB. 'It will support health professionals and researchers to examine pressing research questions that will deliver strong evidence to enhance patient care, improve people's health or lifestyle and positively influence how we deliver our health services'.
'I believe we will see an excellent return on this investment. No one is better placed to understand the needs of patients, or identify how we can improve their care, than people involved at the coal face in hospitals and across the health services. We are supporting experts who have clearly demonstrated they are dedicated to turning good ideas into research discoveries that can transform policy and practice,' concludes Connolly.
Selected summaries
Professor Ella Arensman of the National Suicide Research Foundation will examine whether there is a link between suicide rates and the recession.
Dr Sean Dineen, National University Ireland, Galway, is investigating an intervention that will improve outcomes for young adults living with Type 1 Diabetes.
Professor Dermot Kenny in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland is investigating the role of blood groups as a risk for heart attack.
Professor Anne McFarlane at University of Limerick will examine how to reconfigure the Irish Primary Care service for maximum benefit to patients and their families in the community.
Dr Patricia Fitzpatrick, University College Dublin, is evaluating the clinical and economic benefits of introducing the new-born screening programme for cystic Fibrosis.
Professor Stewart Walsh, University of Limerick, will conduct trials to help prevent adverse events in major vascular surgery.
Dr Lucy Norris, Trinity College Dublin, is developing a risk score model she believes will help accurately identify whether gynaecological cancer patients at high risk of blood clotting in the veins or lungs.
Dr Thomas Ritter, National University Galway will develop a new topical treatment for skin inflammation using adult stems cells.
Abstracts of all 30 successful projects are available on request.