2013 Press Releases
Centre for Global Development launches annual report

The recent launch of the Centre for Global Development (CGD) 2012 Annual Report highlights the significant role the CGD plays on the world stage.
The event, which took place on Tuesday 29 January 2013, also included the launch of the CGD website, which features an on-going activity atlas that allows a virtual overview of the leading role taken by the CGD across a diverse range of interlocking global issues, including adaptation to climate change, energy supply, human rights, and good governance, amongst others.
Dr Michael Murphy, President of UCC, who launched the event, comments: “This first annual report illustrates the remarkable diversity of projects at UCC reflecting a global perspective in teaching, learning and research; in humanitarian aid and the support of human rights; and in influencing development policy nationally and internationally."
"It conveys the potential of bringing together members of the university community in order to foster the trans-disciplinary collaborations central to addressing twenty-first century global challenges. In recent years we have explicitly situated UCC in this global context through the creation of the Centre for Global Development, and in our Strategic Plan 2013-2017, we reaffirm our commitment to adopting a global perspective in all of our activities.”
This report offers a snapshot of the wealth of global development activity underway, including:
- Addressing global challenges: The Global Challenges Lecture Series is a highly visible public forum through which the wider community are invited to interact on critical issues facing the world. In the past year, contributors to the series included: Robert Gallo (co-discoverer of the HIV/AIDS virus); former Irish President Mary Robinson; James Kofi Annan, former child slave and human rights defender; Myles Wickstead, advisor to the UK government on global development and former Head of the Secretariat to the UK Commission for Africa; and HE Catherine Muigai Mwangi, Kenyan Ambassador to Ireland.
- Driving policy and practice: Many CGD members are engaged in working with NGOs, such as Front Line Defenders, SUAS, Trócaire, and the Mary Robinson Foundation - Climate Justice, as well as trans-national bodies, state agencies and government departments on global development. Staff also work with Irish Aid on funded research and development education projects, as well as being active in policy setting and review.
- Broad University engagement: Beyond the Global Observatory Lunchtime Seminar Series, which provides a forum for the UCC community to share their insights, global development-related teaching, research and volunteering in themselves form a vibrant aspect of university life. As the website continues to grow, the rich resources it contains, including video and audio files as well as web links, will become a significant tool for use in teaching and research.
- Research income: Global development-related research generates significant funding for UCC. For example, two successful inter-disciplinary research bids, supported by the CGD, in the last year, won over €4.5m in competitive grant applications.
- Environmental awareness: UCC was the first 3rd level education institution worldwide to be accredited with the prestigious international Green Flag award. This followed a student-led Green Campus initiative to embed environmental awareness throughout the campus, which continues to be a major project of the Students’ Union to reduce waste, improve recycling habits, and conserve energy and water.
Director of the CGD, Professor Patrick Fitzpatrick, comments: “Many CGD members already engage in critical studies in development, and in development-oriented teaching, research and capacity building, playing leading roles in shaping development policy, nationally and internationally. The key project is to bring together these strands, harnessing the expertise and energy of the participants, into a coherent whole. We aim to provide a focus for shared interest and expertise in global development, in a collaborative, interdisciplinary environment, and to stimulate new initiatives in teaching and learning, research, and community engagement."
The CGD project was announced in May 2011 by the then Minister of State for Trade and Development, Jan O’Sullivan TD.
Link to Report: http://epublications.snap.com.au/centre_for_global_development_2012_annual_report/10029374#
Link to website: www.ucc.ie/cgd