2013 Press Releases
ACE key to IOSH President nomination

A UCC graduate has been nominated for President of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), in a story that proves continuing education can help you to pursue your dreams.
Ciarán Delaney, originally from Beaumont, but now living in Rathcormac, Cork has been nominated along with two others to stand for election as President of IOSH, the world’s largest health and safety professional body, with 42,500 members worldwide and 1700 alone in Ireland.
The role of the registered charity is to prevent people from getting injured in the workplace through creating a safe and healthy working environment.
Ciarán completed a string of programmes through the Centre for Adult Continuing Education (CACE), UCC, including: Diploma in Safety, Health and Welfare at Work; H.Dip in Learning Development and Work Based Training and a Diploma in Environmental Science and Social Policy. He is matter of fact when it comes to his early experiences of education:
“I believe that my story could encourage others to have the self-belief to pursue the course of their dreams by opting for continuing education either via CACE at UCC, Springboard or CAO routes. Trust me when I say that in the beginning I had little confidence, but through the support of UCC academic staff and the faith they showed in me, I came out of these courses a different man. Because that is what it takes for a person, who didn't do well in secondary school, to build up self-belief that they are capable of succeeding where previously they had failed”.
Ciarán continued: “To be nominated for such a position is a huge honour and I believe that my time in UCC has a large part to play in this. Albert Einstein I'm not, but thanks to people like Rose Walsh, Willie Weir, Angela O'Donovan, Jim Walsh, Helen Prendergast, Seamus O’Tuama and not forgetting Disability Support Services, I got there. UCC President Dr Michael Murphy has encouraged me to be the best that I can be and I think that I owe UCC something back in return.”
See http://www.iosh.co.uk/about_us.aspx for more information on IOSH