Condolences on the passing of Charles F. (Chuck) Feeney

It is with great sadness that University College Cork (UCC) notes the passing of Chuck Feeney, philanthropist, friend, and benefactor.
Chuck Feeney passionately believed in the power of education. Through the vehicle of Atlantic Philanthropies, he supported initiatives across the world that sought to widen access to education.
He was a good friend of UCC and over two decades Atlantic Philanthropies donated almost $92m to Cork University Foundation that transformed our libraries and supported ground breaking research. His extraordinary generosity shaped the UCC campus for the benefit of students, staff and the wider community. In 2012 the nine universities in Ireland and Northern Ireland jointly conferred an honorary Doctorate of Laws on Chuck – the first time such an honour was jointly bestowed.
His contribution to education was extraordinary and he left a deep imprint of inspiration on those who met him. Ar dheis Dé a raibh a anam.