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Professor Fergus Shanahan

Research Interests

Gastroinestinal Immunology

Host-bacterial interactions in the gut

Membership of Professional Societies

American Association of Immunologists

American Federation for Clinical Research

Western Society for Clinical Investigation

Clinical Immunology Society

American Association for the Advancement of Science

American Gastroenterological Association

Irish Society for Gastroenterology

Fellow of the American College of Physicians

Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada

Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of United Kingdom

Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland

Corrigan Club of Ireland

Society of Mucosal Immunology

Fellow Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland


Under (medical) graduate

1975 Dillon Memorial Prize for Pharmacology & Therapeutics, NUI, University College Dublin

1975 First Place, Irish Inter-University Clinico-Pathology Competition (team member)

1976 Leonard Prize (Medicine), Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

1977 Gold Medal in Medicine, Mater Misericordiae Hospital,  Dublin, Ireland


Post (medical) graduate

  • Travelling Studentship in Medicine of National University of Ireland (1982-1984).
  • Canadian Foundation for Ileitis/Colitis 'Promising Young Investigator' Award. 1982
  • AGA Research Training Award.  (June/85-July/86)
  • State-of-the-art Lecture & Medal, the Irish Society of Gastroenterology:  Lecture title:  'Inflammatory bowel disease: modern concepts of pathogenesis & treatment', November 1993.
  • The 35th Graves Lecture & Medal sponsored by the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland and Health Research Board of Ireland.  Lecture title:  "Inflammatory bowel disease: from molecular mechanisms to new therapeutic strategies" Dublin, March 8, 1995
  • State-of-the-Art Lecture, American Gastroenterological Association, DDW Orlando May 1999.  “Pathogenetic insights and new therapies in inflammatory bowel disease”
  • UCLA Schwabe annual invitational lecture “IBD – an internet of genes, bacteria and T cells.’ and Arthur D. Schwabe visiting lectureship, University of California at Los Angeles, USA (June 28th, 2000).
  • Sidney Truelove Lecture. “Probiotics – treatment of the future”. Oxford Sept 11, 2000.
  • State-of-the-Art Lecture, American Gastroenterological Association, DDW Atlanta May 2001.  “Non-endoscopic diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease”
  • State-of-the-Art Lecture, American Gastroenterological Association, DDW, San Francisco May 2002.  “Cellular and Molecular Basis of Probiotic Effects in Intestinal Disorders”
  • Melrose Lecture at Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons, Glasgow 2003 "Role of Bacteria in IBD"
  • 36th annual Kushlan Lecture and visiting professorship Yale school of medicine, New Haven, Feb 2nd, 2005 "Making Microbes work for Mankind".

Professor Fergus Shanahan

Qualifications: MD, BSc, FRCPI, FRCP (UK), FACP, FRCP(C)


Additional Roles:

Director of Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre, University College Cork

Director of BioSciences Institute, University College Cork

Consultant Physician/Gastroenterologist, Cork University Hospital


Brief Outline of Previous Posts:

1991 - 1993 Director, UCLA Inflammatory Bowel Disease Programme
1989 - 1993  Associate Prof. of Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) 
1985 - 1993  Medical staff attending physician, UCLA Center for the Health Sciences 
1985 - 1991 Co-Director, UCLA Inflammatory Bowel Disease Programme 
1987 - 1989  Assistant Professor of Medicine in Residence, UCLA 
1985 - 1987  Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine, UCLA 
1983 - 1985  Fellowship Gastroenterology, UCLA 
1981 - 1983  Fellowship Immunology, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada 

Department of Medicine

Roinn na Sláinte

Clinical Sciences Building, Cork University Hospital , T12 EC8P
