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UCC CPD courses

Teaching of Italian as a Second Language I IT6104

Course Fact File
Duration12 weeks
Teaching ModePart-Time. See Additional Teaching Mode Information for more info.
Fees€600 See Fees and Costs for full details.
Closing DateClosed for Application

Department of Italian, Room 1.24, O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork. 

Start DateSemester I 2025


Professional qualification in the teaching of Italian as a second language.  UCC is the only centre in Ireland offering this preparatory course to achieve the DITALS 1 certification.  This course will consider current Italian pedagogical approaches to the teaching of Italian as a second language to various categories of learners, (children to adults).

This is a course which covers theories as well as techniques and practice for the teaching of Italian as a second language.  

On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:

  • Make appropriate use, orally and in writing, of a wide range of vocabulary relating to the theory and practice of teaching Italian as a foreign language.
  • Identify and define aims and objectives for a range of Italian language courses.
  • Devise and execute sample lesson plans in a real classroom situation.
  • Use a range of classroom management skills and techniques in a language lesson.
  • Use the latest technological tools in a language class.

Additional Teaching Mode Information

This module is expected to run in the academic year 2023/2024 but is dependent upon the number of applications submitted and approved.

It is estimated that the course will be one day per week, 2 hours per session for 12 weeks.

A general meeting of all applicants will take place prior to commencement in the O’Rahilly Building, UCC, room TBC to discuss and agree the timetable according to candidates’ availability.

Module may also be offered in Semester II.


As part of UCC's commitment to Continuing Professional Development, candidates who satisfy the programme eligibility criteria may, subject to the approval of the Programme Coordinator, be eligible to register for examinations in the internationally recognised DITALS certification.

Teaching Method(s): 12 x 2hr(s) Lectures; 60 Other (15 observation hours; 45 teaching hours); Other (mock exam practice).
Assessment: Total Marks 200: Continuous Assessment 200 marks [Oral Presentation of Language Teaching Methods (50 Marks) Portfolio – 10 Detailed Lesson Plans (150 Marks)].


To be considered, applicants should normally have an undergraduate degree or equivalent qualification.

All candidates upon registration will be required to either provide a corresponding Police Statement from their country of origin or complete the Garda Vetting Process in Ireland. For Italian candidates it is necessary to request a "certificato penale" from the Carabinieri (Garda Vetting Certificate).  Full details will be provided at offer stage.

Proof of Italian Language Competence (Level B2-C1) is required for IT6104.

For the candidates from other nationalities include a reference (attestato) regarding your level of Italian.

If you are applying with Qualifications obtained outside Ireland and you wish to verify if you meet the minimum academic and English language requirements for this programme please view the grades comparison table by country and for details of recognised English language tests. 

Fees and Costs

The fee for 2025/2026 is €1,007and the application fee is €50

How To Apply

Closed for applications 
