School of Irish Learning Spring Seminar Series 2024
The second seminar in the Series will take place on Thursday, 22 February at 5.00 pm in West Wing 9. This seminar, titled ‘Toasting the Oatcake: an exploration of the material and culinary culture of the oatcake in Irish vernacular tradition’, will be delivered by food historian and food writer, Regina Sexton.
Tabharfar an tarna léacht i Sraith Seimineár an Earraigh, Scoil Léann na Gaeilge, ar an Déardaoin, 22 Feabhra, ar a 5.00 i.n., i Sciathán Tiar 9. Is í an scríbhneoir agus an staraí bia, Regina Sexton, a bheidh i mbun cainte, le léacht dar teideal ‘Toasting the Oatcake: an exploration of the material and culinary culture of the oatcake in Irish vernacular tradition’.
Is as Béarla a reachtálfar na himeachtaí.