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Project Aims

Project Aims

Concrete outcomes will include:

  • One or more research seminars, under the direction of members of the project, to be devoted to the study of relevant texts.
  • The production, for publication, of editions and translations of medieval Irish eschatological texts.
  • Creation of a sourcebook, to contain editions, translations, bibliographical material and essays.
  • The holding of an international colloquium, bringing together scholars from across the field.

Read more about the project in John Carey's article: 'Last things first: doomsday and the hereafter in medieval Ireland', UCC Research Journal (June 2009), 26-27) John Carey Last Things First

De Finibus, c/o Sean agus Meán-Ghaeilge, UCC

G19, Bloc A, Urlár na Talún, Áras Uí Rathaille / G19, Block A, Ground Floor, O'Rahilly Building
