Meeting Programme and Registration

Meeting Programme (Registration now closed)
Parkinson’s Community Meeting & Exhibition
7th September 2015,
Lewis Glucksman Gallery,
University College Cork, Ireland.
09.30 Meeting Registration
10:00 Welcome address: Dr Shane Hegarty, Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience, University College Cork.
SESSION 1: Living With Parkinson’s
Chair: Dr. Shane Hegarty (Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience, UCC)
10:15 Margaret Mullarney (Move4Parkinson’s, Ireland), “Conversations that count”.
10:35 Dr Jon Stamford (TheCure Parkinson’s Trust, UK), “Good Vibrations”.
10:55 Questions & Answers with Jon & Margaret.
11.05 John O’Neill (Move4Parkinson’s, Ireland), Poetry Reading.
11:10 Refreshments
11.25 Professor Graham Allen (Department of English, UCC), Poetry Reading.
11:30 Jennifer Grundulis (Clinical Assessment and Therapy Teamed Services Ltd), “Getting Your Voice Back: A Proactive Approach”.
11:45 Kilkenny Voices of Hope Choir (Move4Parkinson’s, Ireland), “Live Your Life”.
12:00 Brian Magennis (Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin), “Practical advice for day-to-day living with Parkinson's”.
12:15 Pat O’Dea (Move4Parkinson’s, Ireland), “Set Dancing for People with Parkinson’s”.
12:40 Lunch
13:40 Address by Paula Gilmore (CEO of Parkinson’s Association of Ireland).
SESSION 2: Understanding Parkinson’s
Chair: Professor Aideen Sullivan (Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience, UCC)
13:45 Professor Tim Lynch (Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin), “Sometimes the diagnosis of Parkinson's is difficult”.
14:00 Dr. Graham Hughes (St. Vincent's University Hospital, Dublin), "Switching on to your Parkinson’s – the patient expert".
14:15 Dr. Sean O’Sullivan (Cork University Hospital, Cork), “Impulsive behaviours and artistic tendencies in Parkinson's”.
14.30 Questions & Answers with Professor Lynch and Drs Hughes and O’Sullivan.
15.00 Refreshments
SESSION 3: Challenging Parkinson’s
Chair: Dr. Gerard O’Keeffe (Dept. of Anatomy & Neuroscience, UCC)
15:15 Professor Maeve Caldwell (Trinity College Dublin), “The potential of stem cell therapy for Parkinson’s”.
15:30 Professor Aideen Sullivan (Dept. of Anatomy & Neuroscience, UCC), “Neurotrophic Factors for Parkinson’s”.
15:45 Dr. Denise McGrath (University College Dublin), “People with Parkinson's: Their Role in the Research Process”.
15:45 Meeting Closure, followed by Set Dancing Session with Pat O’Dea.
Living With Parkinson’s Art Exhibition Launch
16.30 Address by Dr. Brian Sweeney (Consultant Neurologist, Cork University Hospital / School of Medicine, UCC).
Registration for Parkinson's Community Meeting and Exhibition is now closed
Parkinson's Community Meeting and Exhibition Poster

'Exploring Parkinson's with Art' workshop programme
Click here to Register for 'Exploring Parkinson's with Art' workshop (event finished)
Click here to download this programme as PDF
Hover over image to see speaker summary, click on speaker to link to biograpy