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New Masters: Superdiversity in Education, Organisations and Society (SEOS).

10 Feb 2025

SEOS, an interdisciplinary two-year joint Masters Programme offered by eight world-class European universities, pooling their internationally renowned expertise in engaged research on the topic of Superdiversity.

The Alliance of the European University of Post-Industrial Cities (UNIC), including University College Cork, has collaborated to create a unique interdisciplinary Joint-Master's degree programme dedicated to unlocking new models of European learning and engaged research. 

The MA Superdiversity in Education, Organisations and Society (SEOS) is anchored in the School of Applied Social Studies in UCC, and offers a truly European learning experience with an innovative hybrid learning architecture bringing together physical and virtual mobility. The MA SEOS combines theory, practice, and cutting-edge research methods through its engagement with the broader urban context of our partner universities; SEOS students explore state-of-the-art knowledge production through participatory research methodologies relating to superdiversity and its related concepts.

The MA SEOS places a specific focus on the promotion of rights-based and participatory approaches and inclusive practice, that is responding to the complex changes occurring in the landscape of our cities, communities, and societal institutions. It aims to equip the students with skills and knowledge to respond to the rapid changes and challenges of superdiverse societies. The MA SEOS is unique in its interdisciplinary and intersectional approach to superdiversity, encompassing three key disciplinary perspectives: educational sciences, organisational and management research, and social sciences. Our SEOS students will be provided with transdisciplinary opportunities to engage with local stakeholders across Europe allowing them to identify and co-create solutions to contemporary challenges related to superdiversity. The ambition is to build a vibrant knowledge and innovation community committed to exploring the impact of superdiversity on education, organisations, and the wider society.

University partners include: University College Cork, Ireland (UCC) Ruhr University Bochum, Germany (RUB) Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands (EUR) University of Deusto (Bilbao), Spain (UDeusto) Koç University (Istanbul), Turkey (KU) University of Liège, Belgium (ULiège) University of Oulu, Finland (UOulu) University of Zagreb, Croatia (UZagreb).

SEOS is a two-year programme comprising 120 credits (ECTS). It is divided into four semesters, within which students are offered several mobility options. During these two years, you will encounter different cultures, languages, and distinct learning environments, and profit from cutting-edge expertise from each of the eight universities. Modules will be delivered online and in-person.

For more detailed information and registration links, please contact the UCC MA SEOS webpage and the UNIC Alliance MA SEOS webpage: and

Direct link to Registration: 

Video: UNIC Joint Masters (SEOS)


School of Applied Social Studies

Staidéar Sóisialta Feidhmeach

William Thompson House, Donovan's Road, Cork, Ireland.,
