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The Psychology of Criminal Behaviour

3 Mar 2021

With a plethora of recent high-profile cases in the media, the course co-ordinator and lecturer, Dr Ciara Staunton comments and discusses some of the potential underlying psychological components for the Irish Examiner.  

Adult Continuing Education first established the Diploma in the Psychology of Criminal Behaviour in 2006. It was then, and still is, a niche area of interest. Over the years it has attracted True Crime enthusiasts from around the country. It also appeals to many professionals within the field of Criminal Justice who wish to gain a deeper insight to the minds of the criminals or victims of crime that they are working with. With a plethora of recent high-profile cases in the media, the course co-ordinator and lecturer, Dr Ciara Staunton comments and discusses some of the potential underlying psychological components for the Irish Examiner.  

James Steele case: Predatory stalkers play a psychological game of power and control

From the very first unwanted embrace of the victim to ultimately attempting to break into her house fully prepared with rope, duct tape and a prosthetic penis, predator, James Steele was exerting control over the victim, insidiously and coercively. For the full interview with Dr Ciara Staunton on the 2fm show with Jennifer Zamparelli please click  here

Family annihilators driven by issues with power and masculinity

Dr Ciara Staunton examines the underlying psychology and triggers behind familicide. For the full article on the Irish Examiner please click here

Adult Continuing Education

Aosoideachas Leanúnach

The Laurels, University College Cork, Western Road, Cork, T12 EH31
