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Creating Business Value from Emerging Technologies

6 Mar 2014

A Series of Executive Workshops

Adult Continuing Education (ACE) at UCC are delighted to announce the launch of a new series of executive workshops tackling the challenge of creating business value from new and emerging technologies.

Business executives and managers are acutely aware of the potential for new technologies within their organisations. However, more often than not they are forced by market pressures into technological/business decisions without having a full understanding or an adequate set of techniques to ensure a high rate of success.

This innovative new workshop series is targeted at business executives/managers wishing to enhance their toolkit in the area of technology and business management, and to enable their organisations to drive sustainable value from technology and innovation initiatives. The workshops tackle key challenges that managers and organisations are faced with and provide a blend of newly developed techniques/solutions to these challenges.

Dr. Tadhg Nagle from UCC’s Department of Business Information Systems, explains how ‘more often than not businesses are forced by market pressures into technological/business decisions without having a full understanding or an adequate set of techniques to ensure they are successful.’

Through the workshops in this UCC programme, the team of experienced lecturers will provide participants with a range of methods and tools to enhance their skills in the area of technology and business management, in order to enable their organisations to drive sustainable value from technology and innovation initiatives.

For further details about the Creating Business Value from Emerging Technologies workshop series commencing this April, please see:

Workshop 1: Service Design Thinking - 10-11th of April, 2014, UCC Campus - Andrew Pope


This course targets the growing demand from professionals and executives, across all industries, who wish to learn how to apply design thinking to creating usercentred services that are both compelling and innovative. Design thinking provides a problem-solving methodology that allows businesses to apply the creative skills of designers to generate innovation based on a human-centred design ethos.


Workshop 2: Emerging Business Technologies - 17-18th April, 2014, UCC Campus - Tadhg Nagle

.New technologies will most certainly continue to be a key enabler of new business opportunities and efficiencies in the short and long-term future. This workshop will provide participants with an essential business understanding of these technologies (Big Data, Cloud, Social Media), such as their key attributes that align them with successful business opportunities. The workshop also provides a number of techniques to help participants make sense of technology trends instead of getting caught in the hype surrounding them.


Workshop 3: Data Management and Modelling - 24-25th April, 2014, UCC Campus - Dave Sammon


Issues with data and data quality are the most unanticipated causes of technology implementation failure since organisations began building systems. Very few businesses, surviving in today’s economic climate, want to lose customers, mismanage inventory, or put more simply, operate at a loss, through making what seem to be straightforward business decisions. This workshop provides a number of techniques to promote high quality data and the importance of data as an essential output for all technology implementations.


Workshop 4: Business Model Innovation - 1-2nd May, 2014, UCC Campus - Jeremy Paidi


After conducting a Global CEO Study, IBM reported that 98% of businesses surveyed were modifying their business models to some degree. However, it has also been identified that poorly articulated, incomplete or unsuitable business models will lead to business failure resulting in wasted resources and loss of competitive advantage. In this workshop, participants will gain an appreciation of methods to assess existing business models and identify paths to new models.


Further Information

Entry Requirements

A primary degree from a recognised third level institution (NFQ level 8) will typically be required with at least 3 years relevant industry experience, however prior workplace learning will be recognised where applicants do not meet the academic requirement.


Variety of locations across Munster (customised, in-house delivery also available) ongoing dates.


Ms. Lyndsey ElAmoud
Business Development Officer
Adult Continuing Education
University College Cork 
T: +353 21 4904712

Adult Continuing Education

Aosoideachas Leanúnach

The Laurels, University College Cork, Western Road, Cork, T12 EH31
