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28 Feb 2018

Following a meeting of the Emergency Management Team this morning, it has been decided to end classes/labs etc. today the 28th of February at 3pm. The University will be closed from 6pm this evening – all night classes will be cancelled and the University will remain closed Thursday the 1st of March and Friday the 2nd of March.

There will be no access to any of the UCC campuses during this time. It is anticipated that the University will resume normal business on Saturday 3rd March and any changes to this will be posted on the UCC website and on UCC social media channels.

Information will also be posted on the UCC Facebook page: and on UCC Twitter: as well as the UCC home page in the News and Views Section.

We hope that all staff and students stay safe during the extreme cold weather and heed the advice of Met Éireann and local authorities.


ACE Snowman

Adult Continuing Education

Aosoideachas Leanúnach

The Laurels, University College Cork, Western Road, Cork, T12 EH31
