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Module Structure – Mark X Weight

Module Structure – Mark X Weight - IMPORTANT

  • When recording Marks in DMIS, it is IMPORTANT to ensure that your MARK x WEIGHT setup matches the format that you are going to record your Marks.
  • The 2 screenshots below which are labelled Option 1 and Option 2, are for a Module which is being Marks out of 100%.
    The Written Element (WR) = 80% and the Continuous Assessment (CA) = 20%Both Options are Valid, because the Mark x Weight for each options = 100%, but the Marks need to be recorded directly based on a differences in the Mark x Weight values.

  • Option 1:
  • Option 2:
  • Both Options are Valid, as they both have the same CA + WR + Overall Total Values:
  • OPTION 1 – When Mark Value of 100 is used – then the Mark MUST be recorded out of 100:

  • OPTION 2 – When Mark Values of 20 (CA) & 80 (WR) are used – then the Marks MUST be recorded out of 20 (CA) & 80 (WR).

Academic Systems Administration Office

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