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Dr Nicole Muller
Name: Dr Nicole Muller
Contact: nicole.muller@ucc.ie
Role: Professor and Head of Department
Academic Unit: Speech and Hearing Sciences
Nicole Muller was educated in Germany, the UK and Ireland, and held academic appointments in England, Wales, the USA, and Sweden before coming to UCC in 2017. Her research and teaching interests include dementia and brain injury, bilingualism, ageing and communication/cognition, distributed cognition and communication, and clinical linguistics (SFL).
Thematic Expertise
Dementia; Neurodegeneration; Brain Injury; Ageing; Clinical Linguistics; Bilingualism; Linguistics; Phonetics; Aphasia; Traumatic Brain Injury; Research Ethics; Qualitative Research; Systemic Functional Linguistics
Geographical Expertise
USA, Scandinavia, Sweden
Relevant Projects
Collaborator in DELAD project: An initiative to build a shareable archive of disordered speech under FAIR data sharing principles http://delad.ruhosting.nl/wordpress/
Collaborator with CEDER (Centre for dementia research, Linkoping University, Sweden); https://liu.se/forskning/ceder
Visiting professor, Speech and Language Pathology, Linkoping University (co-supervising 2 PhD students)
Collaborator on the "Public Awareness of Aphasia" project, Exeter University http://psychology.exeter.ac.uk/research/centres/ccnr/aphasia/
Henriksson, I., Hjertén,A., Zackariasson, J., Davidsson, L., Andersson Damberg, A., Saldert, C., Ball, M. J., and Muller, N. (2018). Public awareness of aphasia: Results of a Swedish sample. Aphasiology. Published online, Feb. 2018
Babatsouli, E., Ingram, D., and Muller, N. (2018). Crosslinguistic Encounters in Language Acquisition: Typical and Atypical Development. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Muller, N. (2017). '‘Fear nó bean, a man or a woman?’ Bilingual encounters in residential eldercare in Ireland. In Plejert, C., Lindholm, C. and Schrauf, R.W. (Eds.), Multilingual interaction and dementia. (pp. 52-73). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Muller, N. and Mok, Z. (2017). Memories and identities in conversation with dementia. In Meade, M. L., Harris, C. B., Van Bergen, P., Sutton, J., & Barnier, A. J. (Eds.). Collaborative remembering: Theories, research, and applications (pp. 157-176). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Muller, N. and Ball, M. J. (Eds) (2013). Research Methods in Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics: A Practical Guide. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.