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Fiona Donson


Name: Fiona Donson  

Role: Lecturer

Academic Unit: Law

Fiona Donson is currently the Director of the Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights in the Law School, UCC. She researches in the areas of administrative justice, free speech/activism, children’s rights and criminal justice. Fiona’s publications include Law and Public Administration in Ireland (with Dr D. O'Donovan, Clarus Press, 2015) and Legal Intimidation: A SLAPP in the Face of Democracy (Free Association Books, 2000). In addition, she has published articles on protest, human rights, administrative justice, policing and prisons.  Before joining UCC in 2007 Fiona worked as a child rights advocate for a number of years in Cambodia including developing child rights training for lawyers for UNICEF and running a European Commission funded child rights project.

Thematic Expertise

Child Rights; Criminal Justice; Administrative Justice; Free Expression

Geographical Expertise

South East Asia, with particular emphasis on Cambodia

Relevant Projects

Securing Children's Rights in Cambodia, EIDHR project 2004-2007

Complaint Mechanisms and the NEC in the 2003 Cambodian National Election, Community Legal Education Centre

Child rights and the Legal Representation of Children in Cambodia, UNICEF & Community Legal Education Centre 2005


Sek, S., Lay, S., Donson, F., Complaint Mechanisms and the NEC in the 2003 Cambodian National Election, (2004, Phnom Penh: Community Legal Education Centre)

Donson, F., NGO Statement on the First Year of Implementation of the National Poverty Reduction Strategy, (2003, Phnom Penh: NGO Forum)

Donson, F., Cambodian National Assembly Election Report 2003, (2003, Phnom Penh: Neutral and Impartial Committee for Free and Fair Elections Cambodia)

Donson, F., Child rights and the Legal Representation of Children in Cambodia, (2005, Phnom Penh: UNICEF & Community Legal Education Centre)

Donson, F., (ed), Our Drawings: Experiences and Dreams by Children in Prison, (2007, Phnom Penh, DanChurchAid, Legal Aid of Cambodia, & LICADHO)

Centre for Global Development
