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School of History Postgraduate Travel Grants 2019-20
At a glance
- Value: up to €500
- You must be a registered research student (M.Phil/Ph.D track/Ph.D) to be eligible for this travel grant
- Questions about this grant can be directed to Dr Jérôme aan de Wiel j.aandewiel@ucc.ie
Call for Applications: School of History Postgraduate Travel Grants 2019-20
Application submission deadline: Wednesday 1 April 2020
The School of History invites applications for assistance toward travel and accommodation expenses for postgraduate research.
Applications regarding amounts of up to €500 will be considered; the final amount granted will be subject to the discretion of the School of History.
Conference participation at which you are speaking on your research topic is generally not given financial aid; however, in very exceptional circumstances assistance may be considered.
The scheme is limited to registered research students (M.Phil/Ph.D track/Ph.D)
All research trips must be completed by end August 2020, and itemised original receipts/invoices/electronic bookings must be submitted by Thursday 3 September 2020 at the latest.
You should make photocopies of all receipts before submitting them - for your own records and for the eventuality of original receipts going missing during the submission process.
In addition to the hard copies you must email an electronic copy of the itemised list of expenses to Dr Jérôme aan de Wiel: j.aandewiel@ucc.ie
You must provide hard-copy/electronic report on outcome of research trip.
N.B. Your research trip must take place in the period from the successful application forward - you cannot claim for earlier research trips.
Further Terms and Conditions: Restrictions have been placed on the grants as follows:
i) Up to €60 per night is available for accommodation.
ii) Subsistence, i.e. claims for dining expenses, will not be funded.
iii) Economy travel class only. If travel by own car, reasons for this mode of transport must be given, and detailed breakdown of mileage/petrol consumption etc is required.
iv) Reasonable photocopying, digital reproduction of library materials and library entry costs may be funded if receipts are provided.
Application Procedure
· Complete the Application Form - School of History Travel Grant Scheme, making sure that you break down your budget to particular items including modes of travel [otherwise your application won’t be processed]. Only estimates are required at this stage.
· You must provide a 500-word outline of the importance of this research trip.
· Ensure that both you and your supervisor have signed the application form.
· Return hard copy in an envelope clearly marked ‘Travel Grant’ to Dr Jérôme aan de Wiel,
School of History, Tyrconnell, and email the electronic version to his email account: j.aandewiel@ucc.ie by Wednesday 1 April 2020.