Khawla Lamlum
Khawla Lamlum
Address: School of Public Health, 4th Floor, Western Gateway Building, Western Road, Cork
Telephone: +353 21 4205527
Email: khawla
Khawla is currently a PhD student in the School of Public Health. Her primary research area of interest is Neonatal outcomes of mothers developed disorder during pregnancy (Maternal -fetal medicine). Her project studies preeclampsia and associated perinatal outcomes among preterm babies and her supervisors are Prof. Patricia Kearney and Dr. Ali Khashan.
In 2016, Khawla completed a Master's in Medical Science in NUIG, where she studied perinatal outcomes of gestational diabetic mothers and treatment types during pregnancy.
Khawla is also a qualified doctor in medicine and surgery, as she studied in Tripoli University of Medicine, Libya, which is her home country. From 2010 until 2014, she worked in NICU and the Paediatric Department in several hospitals in Libya, in addition to being a teaching assistant in pediatric education for 5th year medical students on the medicine programme.