Maternal Death Enquiry - Ireland

Mission and objectives
Maternal Death Enquiry (MDE) Ireland aims to promote safer pregnancy by conducting confidential reviews into maternal deaths, identifying learning points, and using its findings to formulate and disseminate recommendations.
Launched in April 2009, MDE Ireland was developed with the support of The Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, The Health Services Executive (HSE) The Department of Health and Children (DOHC) and the State Claims Agency. MDE Ireland is a stand-alone office, based in the National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre (NPEC), and is funded by the HSE. Since its inception, MDE Ireland has carried out confidential enquiries into maternal deaths occurring in Ireland.
MDE Ireland: Objectives
• To conduct confidential enquiries into maternal deaths in all cases occurring during or within one year of the pregnancy
• To identify the main causes of, and trends, in maternal deaths
• To produce Maternal Mortality reports on a regular basis
• To participate in the UK confidential enquiry into maternal deaths (CEMD)
• Dissemination of recommendations and learning points from Enquiry reports and publications