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UCC CPD courses

Applied Geophysics GL6024

Course Fact File
Duration10 x 1hr(s) Lectures; 6 x 2hr(s) Practicals; 2 x 1day(s) Fieldwork.
Teaching ModePart-Time. See Additional Teaching Mode Information for more info.
Fees€450. See Fees and Costs for full details.
Closing DateCLOSED

Butler Building, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, UCC. Exact rooms to be confirmed.

Start DateCLOSED


Module Objective: To teach the principles, applications and provide hands-on experience in a variety of commonly used geophysical techniques to study the shallow subsurface for environmental geology.

Module Content: Principles and practical applications of geophysical investigations for environmental geology studies (e.g. groundwater, contaminated land, geotechnical). Techniques taught include: seismic refraction/reflection, gravity, electrical, electromagnetic and magnetic surveying, as well as borehole geophysics. Practical hands-on experience will be gained in shallow seismic and electrical techniques.

Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:

  • Relate geophysical techniques to appropriate environmental geology applications.
  • Interpret seismic refraction signals in the context of top of rock topography.
  • Critique the results of a resistivity survey in relation to saline intrusion.
  • Develop practical experience in designing, executing and interpreting a geophysical field survey.
  • Analyse, interpret and appraise the data acquired from the field survey undertaken.
  • Critically evaluate the geophysical results in the context of study site conditions.

Additional Teaching Mode Information

Class dates to be confirmed.


Penalties (for late submission of Course/Project Work etc.): Where work is submitted up to and including 7 days late, 10% of the total marks available shall be deducted from the mark achieved. Where work is submitted up to and including 14 days late, 20% of the total marks available shall be deducted from the mark achieved. Work submitted 15 days late or more shall be assigned a mark of zero.





Candidates must hold at least:

  • a Second Class Honours, Grade II degree or equivalent in a Geological/Earth Science/Civil Engineering/Environmental Sciences area; or
  • a Second Class Honours, Grade II in a related relevant degree; or
  • have reached an equivalent standard through completion of a relevant postgraduate qualification.

If you are applying with Qualifications obtained outside Ireland and you wish to verify if you meet the minimum academic and English language requirements for this programme please click here to view the grades comparison table by country and for details of recognised English language tests. 

Fees and Costs

€450.  There is also a €35 application fee. 

How To Apply



  • To apply for this module please log on to the UCC APPLY page and create an account.  
  • Gather any additional documents required (including a passport-style photo), copy of your degree parchment if not a previous UCC graduate.
  • An application fee of €35 will be payable on submission of your application via the same platform.

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