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Study Galician

Study Galician

Study Galician

Courses on Offer


Galician Language and Galician Cultural Studies are available as options for both second and final year undergraduate students. The following are the available modules (please follow links for module descriptions):

HS2024 Galician Language and Culture I

HS2025 Galician Language and Culture II

HS3024 Galician Language III

HS3025 Galician Cultural Studies III



In addition, the department welcomes any student who wishes to pursue postgraduate studies on Galician Studies, at both Masters and Ph.D levels. The following is an optional module on Galician language and culture:

HS6018 Intensive Galician Language and Culture


Study in Galicia

Through the Erasmus student exchange programme, UCC undergraduate students avail of the possibility of spending one academic year at the Galician universities of Santiago de Compostela ( or A Coruña ( The Irish Centre for Galician Studies offers information and advice to students of B.S.C. International Languages, B.A. International and B.A. World Languages who are placed in these universities. Similarly, we provide advice to Galician students who are planning or have already decided to study in UCC for one year.

For more information about the different places on offer by the Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, see the department's section. 

Summer Courses in Galicia

The university of Santiago de Compostela ( organises summer courses on Galician language and culture for foreign students during the month of July. The courses combine academic content with recreational activities. The Irish Centre for Galician Studies encourages undergraduate and postgraduate UCC students to attend these courses.

For further information please get in touch with our department.


Irish Centre for Galician Studies

O'Rahilly Building First Floor - Block B East Room 1.55
