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‘Festival of Sport’ at UCC this weekend

Calling all families and sports enthusiasts, this Saturday, University College Cork stages its first Festival of Sport.
The Festival of Sport at UCC’s Mardyke grounds and the Mardyke Arena is designed so people of all ages can experience sports as diverse as archery to rugby. Some sports will include the option to try your hand at the sport but if you don’t want to try, you can come and watch. Twenty of UCC’s sports clubs will provide entertainment and activity for visitors of all ages.
UCC Trampoline will put on an acrobatic display, UCC Fencing and several UCC martial arts will put on displays to showcase their clubs. UCC’s hockey and soccer clubs will be playing competitive league fixtures and there will an exhibition game in Aussie Rules also.
The Festival of Sport is staged to reflect that 2019 marks the 300th anniversary of the initial development of the Mardyke Walk. University College Cork (UCC)’s long sporting tradition is synonymous with this location. From the time the Queen’s College Cork Annual Sports event was first held at a Mardyke venue in 1869, UCC students have sported and played across all codes at the Mardyke.
UCC has one of the highest rates of student participation in sports clubs among Irish universities, with a combined membership of over 4,000 students in sports clubs. Earlier this year UCC launched its Sports Strategy 2019 – 2022, which has been created to support and develop sporting participation and facilities for students, staff and high-performing athletes.
“We encourage people of all ages to come to the Mardyke for a free celebration of sport and activity” stated Morgan Buckley, Director of Sport at UCC.
“Sport is huge part of our heritage, and we wanted a festival of sport to celebrate that fact and to encourage activity and sports participation with our community” commented Professor Patrick O’Shea, President of UCC.