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Dr Gema Hernandez-Milian

Dr Gema Hernandez-Milian

I graduated in 2002 with a B.Sc. in Marine Biology at University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).  Since 2000, I have been a marine mammal volunteer in the NGO CEMMA based in the northwest of Spain.  In 2003, I moved to University of Aberdeen (Zoology Department and Oceanlab) where I was involved in different projects mainly related to fisheries, fish and marine mammal foraging ecology, interaction of marine mammals and fisheries.

I started my PhD studies at ZEPS (University College Cork) this year on 'The foraging ecology of small cetaceans in the North East Atlantic' as a part of the Beaufort Award on Ecosystem Approach Management Project.  The aim of my PhD project is to investigate the diet of dolphins in Ireland waters, and examine trophic and fisheries interactions within Irish marine ecosystems developing food web models.           


Hernandez-Milian, G., Goetz, S., Varela-Dopico, C., Rodriguez-Gutierrez, J., Romon-Olea, J., Fuertes-Gamundi, J.R., Ulloa-Alonso, E., Tregenza, N.J.C., Smerdon, A., Otero, M.G., Tato, V., Wang, J., Santos, M.B., López, A., Lago, R., Portela, J. & Pierce, G.J. (2008).  "Results of a short study of interactions of cetaceans and longline fisheries in Atlantic waters: environmental correlates of catches and depredation events".  Hydrobiologia, 612, 251-268.

Bulling, M.T., Solan, M., Dyson, K.E., Hernandez-Milian, G., Lastra, P., Pierce, G.J., Raffaelli, D.G., Paterson, D.M. & White, P.C.L. (2008).  "Species effects on ecosystem processes are modified by faunal responses to habitat quality".  Oecologia, 158(3), 511-520.

Dyson, K., Bulling, M.T., Solan, M., Hernandez-Milian, G., Raffaelli, D.G., White, P.C.L. & Paterson, D.M. (2007). "Influence of macrofaunal assemblages and environmental heterogeneity on microphytobenthic production in experimental systems"Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 274, 2677-2684.

Poster/Oral Presentations

Pierce, G.J., Hernandez, G., Santos, B.M., Edridge, A., Dendrinos, P., Psaradelli, M., Tounta, E. & Androukaki, E. (2009).  Diet of Mediterranean Monk Seals (Monachus monachus)”.  Talk at European Cetacean Society Conference Istanbul (Turkey).

Hernandez-Milian, G., Varela-Dopico, C.,  Rodriguez-Gutierrez, J, Fuertes-Gamundi, J. R., Tregenza,  N.J.C., Smerdon, A., Ulloa, E., Romón, J., Goetz, S., Wang, J., Santos, M.B. & Pierce, G. J. (2008).Interactions of cetaceans and longline fisheries in Atlantic waters”.  Poster at European Cetacean Society Conference, Egmond aan Zee (The Netherlands).

Hernández-Milián, G., Martínez-Cedeira, J., Santos, M.B., López, A., Pierce, G.J., Scout, B. & Mato, S. (2007).  “Trends in cetacean strandings on the Galician coast (NW Spain) (2000-2004)”.  Poster at European Cetacean Society Conference, San Sebastian (Spain). 

Hernández-Milián, G., Laria, L., Cermeño, P., Ridoux, V., Van Canneyt, O., Rivilla, J.C., Castillo, J.J., Pitta, M.J., Carrillo, M., Arvelo, M., García-Castrillo, G. & López, A. (2006).  “Strandings of Marine Mammals in South Western Europe”. Poster at European Cetacean Society Conference, Gdansk (Polland).

Fernández, R., Santos, M.B., Pierce, G.J., López, A, Hernández-Milián, G. & Ieno, E. (2006).  “Variability in diet of Bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops truncates, in Galician Waters, 1990-2005”.  Poster at European Cetacean Society Conference, Gdansk (Polland).

Hernández-Milián, G., Fernández-García, R., Santos, M.B., Pierce, G.J., Ieno, E.N. & MacLeod, C.D. (2005).  “Utilización del dentario para la mejora de la precision en la identificación de presas en los estudios de ecología trófica de mamíferos marinos”.  Presentation at SECEM Conference, Valencia (Spain).

Hernández-Milián, G., Santos, M.B., Pierce, G.J., MacLeod, C.D., Fernández-García, R. & Brier, K.L. (2005).  “Improvement in traditional methods of studying marine mammal diet. Use of fish jaw bones to augment studies based on otoliths”.  Poster at ICES CM Conference, Aberdeen (Scotland-UK).

Luque, P.L., Hernández-Milián, G., Bulling, M., Dyson, K., Ieno, E.N., Pierce, G.J., Solan, M., Raffaelli, D. & Paterson, D. (2005).  “Biodiversity-ecosystem processes in heterogeneous environments”.  Poster at ICES CM Conference, Aberdeen (Scotland-UK).

Carril, R., Martinez Cedeira, J., Caldas, M., López, A., Llavona, A. & Hernández, G. (2003).  “Study and monitoritation of the cetacean populations in the Galician Waters (NW Spain)”.  Poster at European Cetacean Society Conference, Gran Canarias (Spain).

Aquaculture & Fisheries Development Centre

University College Cork, Cooperage Building, Distillery Fields, North Mall, Cork.
